selfie with upper NY bay in the background during the evening golden hour
Hello, I am Vlad, a full stack web developer.
I'm a former globetrotter in the world of cruise ships who decided to leave behind customer service and dive in deep in the world of code. This portfolio showcases my skills I built at the Columbia University Coding Bootcamp. Please take a look around and let's connect.

My Stack







My Projects

Our Fellow Neighbors

React • Third-Party API

New York takes pride in being one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. Not everybody knows that its nature is equally diverse and beautiful. Believing that we, as humans, cannot thrive unless we respect the balance with all living species on this planet, I created this website to raise awareness of our beautiful non-human neighbors in our great city of New York

GitHub • Our Fellow Neighbors

Energy Efficiency Grading In NYC

HTML • CSS • JavaScript • React

As part of the city's commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness, all buildins are required to disclose their energy efficiency scores, represented by a letter grade, ranging from A to D, with A being the most energy-efficient and D indicating lower energy efficiency. This website shows a list of buildings in all five boroughs of the city of New York sorted by their energy efficiency grade.

GitHub • Energy Efficiency Grading

User Authentication


This project focuses on user authentication and provides functionality for user registration, login, profile updates, and profile deletion. It aims to securely manage user credentials and allow users to interact with their profiles through various API endpoints.


Our Solar System

HTML • JavaScript • Three.js

The 'Our Solar System' is an educational webpage featuring a 3D animation of the orbits of planets around the Sun. Please note that it is a work in progress, and additional enhancements are underway.

GitHub • Our Solar System

Weather Dashboard

HTML • CSS • Bootstrap • JavaScript • jQuery • Ajax • Third Party API

Weather Dashboard project allows users to retrieve up-to-date weather forecasts for any city of their choice. All it takes is for users to input the city name and view the current day's forecast along with the subsequent five-day forecast.

GitHub • Weather Dashboard

User Directory

HTML • CSS • Bootstrap • JavaScript • React • Axios

User Directory is a React-based application that uses Axios and an API to display user information, including first and last name, email address, and location. The application allows users to search and filter through the list of users by their first name, providing an intuitive and convenient way to access the information they need.

GitHub User Directory
